Thursday, January 7, 2010

January is National Hobby Month

I just found out that January is National Hobby Month. I think hobbies are so important. It always amazes me that some people have no hobbies; they don't seem to be interested in anything. I don't understand it.

My favorite hobby is astronomy. We have an observatory nearby that we visit several times during the year. We get lots of visitors: church groups, boy scouts, girl scouts, school groups, astronomy classes. There is an Alcohol & Drug Dependency Clinic group that visits a couple of times a year. The clinic tries to get their patients involved in activities to help break their cycle of dependency.

Nearly any pastime or interest can be a hobby. There are collections, scrapbooking, sports, bird-watching, gardening, baking, knitting, pottery, dancing, photography, reading, painting, decorating, beer or wine-making, puzzles, model trains, caving, card games, fishing, jewelry making, and a myriad of other activities and interests.

This year, I want to learn how to play guitar. I also want to learn Pysanki (hand-painted Ukrainian eggs). Hopefully, they'll become future hobbies.

So get back to a hobby you once enjoyed or find a new one to take you through the year. Don't say you don't have time. Even a few minutes doing something that makes you happy can make all the difference.

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