Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Why Dad was Upset

The article was about a father who was upset that his son's teacher had taken a photo of the son sleeping in class and emailed it to the father along with statement that the son had done nothing in class. The father felt the teacher should have just awakened the child and set him about his lessons. Most of the reactions to the article sided with the teacher.

So what does a teacher do with a sleeping student? When I started teaching, I used to just let them sleep. But as my teaching career continued, that was no longer an option. Every student in class is expected to be on-task 100% of the time. Every second in the classroom is supposed to be devoted to the learning experience. Why? Because 100% of the students have to be proficient by the year 2014. Students are not allowed the luxury to sleep in class, nor should they be.

However, when a teacher tells the parent that their son or daughter has been sleeping in class, it helps to have proof. Anymore, almost everything in the classroom needs to be documented. As it turns out, a photo is worth a thousand words. The photo provides proof to the parent and provides documentation to administration.

I don't think the teacher did anything wrong in this case. The teacher simply sent the photo straight to the father so that he would better understand why his son might be having trouble in class. I hope that after she sent the photo, she woke the student up and got him back on task. It is not a good idea in this day and age to let a student sleep in class. Administrators, other teachers, students, and visitors do often visit classrooms. The last thing a teacher wants to do is give the impression that he or she lets students sleep.

Dad mad over teacher's snap of student's nap - CharlotteObserver.com
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